Sunday, March 22, 2009

pictures of spring...

the fuzzy baby flamingo slept the whole time.
...and this monkey was just lazy.
me and leyden riding the choo choo
lily pads
my bridle and boots
i think teddy likes purple.
mollie and rio
we took goober-ish pictures and decided these are the best kind.
just another trail..
i call this one "special ed."
sweet horsie


  1. You did a great job documenting the weekend! Hopefully I'll have time soon to post something on my blog. I love the pic of your bridle & boots. I think you should print that one and frame it for your apartment. I'm glad you had a good time riding, and I'm glad you found your cell phone... you'd be lost without that cute sound that lets you know you've got a new text!

  2. come back sooooon. i mean it. it's not nearly as fun here without you two. :)

  3. I agree the picture of your boots is awesome. . .and another fav of mine is the lilypads. . .look at your photography skills!
