Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the only time we're sure of is now.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:18-19

to be truthful, i've never really thought i had a great testimony. but see... if the Lord's in it... it is great. and it's worth telling.

Craig had asked me to sing a couple weeks ago, and of course i said yes. i could sing all day long to anyone. but when he came back up to be at the hospital a few days ago and asked me if i'd share some of my testimony before i sang, i just looked at him. as i told the congregation Sunday, my flesh was saying "say no! please say no!"

...but my spirit was saying yes. it won over this time around.

i just have to say the Lord really came through for me. doesn't He always? how easily i forget until i step into faith and see again.

i was nervous at first, but when i started speaking about Jesus, the words just flowed out of me. i told my mom i could've probably talked for another ten minutes, and if you know me, that's huge! i do love to talk. i have since i was little. my parents have called me "chatty Cathy" for as long as i can remember. but stick me in front of a crowd, and the talking is over. anyway, i digress.

the point is... Jesus is so good. if we are willing, He is faithful.

i've told the Lord throughout my life that i just want to make a difference, but it amazes me when He actually provides an opportunity. i think it's because even after i blow it over and over again, He still wants to use me.

THAT is so incredible to me. that He continues to draw me to Himself. that He never lets me get too far gone. that nothing or no one can snatch me out of His grasp.

so.... Sunday was my baby step. if i want to make a difference, i'm going to have to learn how to be uncomfortable every once in awhile. i'm also going to stop talking about the person i want to be and start actually being.

if we don't follow Him out of our comfort zone, how do we really learn to trust Him? there has to be a time when we stop talking about changing and take action.

and the only time we're sure of is now.

Monday, August 16, 2010

help some sisters out.

I just received a package from my friend Carla all the way from Uganda!

If anyone wants to buy any jewelry that was made by the widows living there with AIDS, let me know. I have sets of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings that range from $12-20. By supporting this project, you would be helping them with medicines, transportation, food, and school supplies for their children.

If you want to know more, visit: Lamplighter Ministries

(Oh, and the jewelry is so cute!)