Monday, April 13, 2009


i don't like planning. i've never been a planner, an organizer, or a facilitator in any sense of the words. i'm the kind of person who makes decisions as they need to be made. i despise deadlines and abhor itineraries. i have a general idea of where i'm going but can't tell you for sure until i get there.

with all that said, i'm planning a european trip... over a year in advance. why, you may ask?
1) ...because i really need something to look forward to.
2) ...because europe is the exception to all of the rules.
3) ...because it will be mom's first time abroad, and she has to love it as much as i do.

first, we have to decide on a destination. we're looking at spending 12-14 days traveling.

any suggestions?


  1. Since I've never been to Europe, I don't have any suggestions for you. I just wish Leyden and I could go with you!!!

  2. Haha I think this is something we definitely have in common. . .wanting to fly by the seat of our pants! The only place in Europe I've been to was London. . .I loved it but I don't know much about any other countries to compare it to! There are so many choices, I would never be able to decide!

  3. one suggestion: TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASE!!!!

    alright, another: LONDON!!!!

    if you insist i go on: ITALY!!!!
