Monday, April 27, 2009

...and this is why i love my mom.

so, my dad bought my mom a new set of golf clubs a few weeks ago. since mom and dad have us "kids" out of the house now, i guess they have too much time on their hands that needs to be filled with some good, quality entertainment. after they had gotten home from the golf course today, mom texts me at work and informs me on her latest stunt...

mom: "you won't believe what happened on the golf course today."
me: "good or bad?"
[five minutes and still no response...]
me: "weeelll?"
mom: "we were on billy goat hill, a bee flew down my shirt and stung my back and butt, and i completely stripped down in front of God and everybody else who might have been watching."

needless to say, i laughed really hard while trying to explain to my co-workers the story. mom said dad just sat there staring at her with a pained expression the whole time she was taking all of her clothes off. she also stated how glad she was that no one was playing behind them and how poorly they played after the fact. they couldn't hit their balls for laughing. at least she got the bee out before it stung her again.

i feel like mom's little spectacle today was borderline x-rated. it could possibly settle for r-rated. nonetheless, it definitely brought a brand new meaning to good, quality entertainment.


  1. Haha oh your mom. . .that just made my day :P

  2. I miss my Emmie! Hope you are enjoying Virginia, but I'm sure you are! :)

  3. Emily,
    That is a great story! :) Hope you are doing well!

    Love, Kassi and Stephen
