Wednesday, May 20, 2009

one word

thanks to twitter, i found a thrilling yet all time-consuming site today.

one word. so little time.

i don't consider myself to be a complex writer anyway, but i'm an extra ordinary [not to be confused with extraordinary] writer when it comes to time limits. knowing the clock is ticking and time is running out creates this hollowness in me that i can't seem to shake. i have so much to think, to say, to offer, but nothing comes. this isn't just in the realm of writing but in the very realm of my being. i deeply long for my words to flow freely and my chains to be loosed and my heart to fill up with peace again.

this site will be good, and quite frustrating, for me. maybe i'll make the visit a daily occurrence.

word of the day: satellite

i wrote: "a satellite is high above and just... there. we may not see it, but it is over us. it's in the realm of the unknown and yet by it we see clearly."

my choices of words, along with my thought processes, need major improvement. it will come.

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