Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
the stars were bright tonight.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
...because He first loved me.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
you shine brighter than anyone.
and i’ve always lived like this
keeping a comfortable distance
and up until now
i had sworn to myself that i’m content
with loneliness
because none of it was ever worth the risk
but you.. are.. the only exception
i could follow you to the beginning
just to relive the start
and maybe then we’ll remember to slow down
and all of our favorite parts
help me come back down
i’m high above the clouds
you know i’m suffocating
but i blame this town
why do i deny
the things that burn inside?
down deep i’m barely breathing
but you just see a smile
you made yourself a bed
at the bottom of the blackest hole
and convinced yourself that it’s not the reason
you don’t see the sun anymore
and when it rains
will you always find an escape?
just running away
from all of the ones who love you
from everything
take your time
take my time
take these chances to turn it around
just take these chances,
we’ll make it somehow
‘cause i’ve seen love die way too many times
when it deserved to be alive
i’ve seen you cry way too many times
when you deserve to be alive
so you give up every chance you get
just to feel new again
my pain and all the trouble caused
no matter how long
i believe that there’s hope
buried beneath it all
and hiding beneath it all
and growing beneath it all
i drowned out all my sense
with the sound of its beating
and that’s what you get
when you let your heart win
and if it ends today
well i’ll still say that you shine brighter than anyone
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
shut-up and listen.
shut-up and listen.
profound, huh?
i used to know all the right things to say. i could spit them off [with Bible verses included], and i really felt like i was encouraging the people that came to me with heavy hearts. now i'm not so sure. Truth definitely needs to be spoken, but i've been learning we need to think about our words more carefully before we speak them out loud. our words can change someone's entire perspective on life. that can be a good change in perspective, but more often than not, their views end up just as skewed as ours.
...and if we don't have the will to shut-up on our own? the Lord will shut our mouths for us.
He has mine.
it's a humbling experience being asked questions such as, "what is your view on this?" and "how do you feel about that?" and literally not being able to speak. i, like almost all of humanity, have my views on certain issues, and not being able to gather my thoughts and form them into a statement that is fully coherent is beyond frustrating. it seems like this truth within me hasn't reached the air and others' hearts in so long. i feel like the wisdom i had as a child has flown out the window.
but maybe it's the best thing that's happened to me in a while.
if we keep repeating and replaying our own thoughts and beliefs without even considering what others have to say, how can we really learn anything? we can be right and know the truth about a lot, but sadly enough, we're never going to know it all. and we, with our flesh and prideful natures surrounding us, hate it.
He didn't create us to seek the truth out for ourselves; He's called us to commune together. we're not in this alone. we learn together, grow together, and love Him together. if we'd listen to others and not love hearing ourselves talk so much, we'd learn a thing or two... and we may even learn that we are wrong.
i overheard a co-worker last week ask, "have you ever wondered why we have two ears and only one mouth? it's because we need to listen twice as much as we talk." my point to a tee.
so... the past few months have been full of me just sitting back and listening [too bad i can't say it's been on my own accord]. people have a lot to say, that's for sure. i've been introduced to Truth in new ways, and i've also heard ridiculous ideas that leave me wondering where we went wrong. either way, it's been helpful. we're all busy running toward our own versions of truth, so when we hear from the living and breathing Truth, we just want more and more of Him.
and it's always good to be reminded that we've been blind ever since that day in the garden.
thankfully, He shines His light and allows us to see.
Monday, November 30, 2009
curly Q
her wild imagination carried her to places we could only dream of.
she tried her best to take us there,
her face was glowing, the light not her own,
her innocence was evident; her soul was pure.
we begged her to come along with us; she resisted.
she still had fields to run, worlds to see, true love to find and give away.
a few hundred cartwheels and somersaults later,
her dreams and plans had not been hindered with loss,
the colors outside did not appear as lively to her.
the heaviness weighing on her seemed to be pressing her spirit down
once so full, now fragile..
the wholeness of her childhood had seemed to vanish
now uncertain, she longed for her first Love.
she had tasted a sip of earthly love, and it was not nearly as sweet as her First...
He had been the one in her dreams of old,
as she ran the fields, she knew His love for her, if described by numbers,
His songs to her would be stuck in her head the entire day,
the world stripped her of the only joy she knew,
she did not know that her Love had been there through it all.
better than that, He was chasing her..knowing she would remember...
the sense of freedom..
the satisfaction of knowing Love and Love returning the favor..
Saturday, November 21, 2009
beauty is created before our eyes.
Monday, November 16, 2009
for i am sick with love
i am sick with love
i could begin to imagine the pounding of your
heartbeat as you drew me closer
step by step, walking toward you,
it felt more like home by the second
your eyes followed me the entire way,
just waiting for me to look up
when i did, i caught your glance
and it beckoned me to continue onward
the more space i covered,
the easier it was for me to trust you
though the distance hid the fullness of
your beauty, your shadow was enough
it was not dark as the others but radiating
with the light that hovered around you
colors i had never seen before,
all distinct, unable to be described or understood
i finally got to you, and as i reached out
my hand to touch you, you wept
not from sadness but out of joy,
for i had chosen you for my own
the praise i had offered up on the
journey here had not been in vain
as your glory surrounded and filled me,
i knew why i had come this far
you overwhelmed me, and i knew pure,
selfless love for the first time
i laid under your shadow with delight
as you raised your banner of love over me
although i was dark, you called me lovely
until the idea became truth to me
with your left hand under my head
and your right embracing me, i was secure
i fell asleep under your shade and rested,
peacefully, and upon waking, you had gone
your holiness no longer as real to me
but your presence still about me
i knew that you would be back,
that i would be walking toward you again soon
that on that day, my soul would be alive
again, forever, with you
i am yours, beloved, and you are mine
for i am sick with love
(c) 2008
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
tenderly, sweetly, freely, completely
...and His mercy? ...
Ephesians 2: 1-7 [emphasis added]
oh, how His mercies are new every morning.
i was sitting here at work tonight listening to music, and suddenly, His love for humanity overwhelmed me. i like to think i've always had a heart for people, but most of the time i find myself wanting to love more.. give more... be more. as tears formed in my eyes, He gave me just a taste of Himself. i started praying for salvation for one of my friends. i want him with me in heaven one day. i want him to see the beauty of Jesus. but as much as i love this friend, Jesus loves him even more. for a moment, i felt this love stronger than ever. so Lord, humbly i ask. save him. keep him. show Yourself to him.
as one of my best friends said, the Lord has been gradually tightening my leash. He's been drawing my attention and disciplining me in love. my sin humbles me. and after confession time this weekend, i can say that exposure does lead to healing. keeping each other accountable is necessary for us to walk in obedience. the fact that He's provided someone for me to confide in--who is walking through some of the same struggles i am--has been such a blessing. i didn't even think to ask for it, He just gave it to me. freely.
some advice i received from a spiritual father in an email a couple of weeks ago... "do all that He puts in your heart. when you do, He provides the way and the resources. don't be afraid to do what's in your heart. we do the will of God from the heart. you know your desires. all that is good and according to His Word will be blessed."
...and after all of this pondering, He reminds me.. Goodness is already there. He's in my heart. my flesh just likes to get in the way. so i guess it's not about wondering what's in my heart, it's about letting it come out. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
"my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
psalm 73:26
Monday, October 19, 2009
speaking of...
speaking of Alabama football, i'm having withdrawals. a part of me wish i could watch them play every day, but then again, i'm afraid i'd have a nervous breakdown, especially if all of their games were as ugly as this past one. okay, so the defense wasn't ugly at all. and i wish i could hug Ingram for stepping it up on the offense.
speaking of Ingram, he needs a Heisman. and if they had a trophy for the "most ridiculously giddy Alabama fan during the Walk of Champions," i would nominate my mom. she never fails to jump out in the middle of the team as they're walking and convince them to give her high fives. she says it gives her a rush. all of them look at her like she's a loon, but some of them concede and reluctantly hold their hands out anyway.
this past week, the girl beside me kept laughing at mom and saying, "look at her! Roll Tide! look at her!" i just laughed, nodded, and tried to hide my face with my hands. i would like to think that maybe the fans around me had no idea she was my mom, but considering we look just alike, it's a pretty hopeless situation. and deep down, i think i love how she gets over the Tide.
i can't wait to enjoy another Bryant-Denny stadium dog this weekend, and i really hope Alabama beats the heck out of UT.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
but not me, i'm alive

i feel like i need to write. it's already seven days into october and no blog entries. heaven forbid. i've never been one to write just for the sake of writing itself, though, and i don't have any earth-shattering news. i guess that's where pictures can come in and do my life a little justice. [not much... i'd rather experience life than try to capture it all, although some friends of mine would disagree. one in particular calls me the "picture nazi." ohhh, brother.]
and all the dreams you sat and watched go up in flames
dwell on the wreckage as it smolders in the rain
but not me, i’m alive
and today you know that’s good enough for me
breathin' in and out's a blessin' can’t you see
today's the first day of the rest of my life
and i’m alive, and well
i’m alive, and well
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
ralph waldo emerson
Thursday, September 17, 2009
books, ears, and the beach
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
i've been looking for you.
from some nobody's unforgotten words
maybe you're just faded
a little gray from every time that you've been hurt
so you're looking for your skin
that you never did fit in
you can't hide when you're turned inside out
love is looking for you now
maybe you've been burning
but you can't blow out a flame that you can't find
maybe you've been thirsty
but the rain just ain't enough when you're this dry
so you're running from the water
and the fire's getting hotter
i think you better find some level ground
love is looking for you now
maybe you've been wearing
the shoes that someone else is wearing now
maybe you've been swearing forever might have already run out
you can't love yourself at the expense of someone else
you can't hide a liar from the truth
love is looking for you
i've been looking for you
-miranda lambert
Thursday, September 3, 2009
just a little further now...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
ruined plans and giggles
Friday, August 7, 2009
and i'm calling on You now.
Monday, August 3, 2009
gee-tar on the river

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
He breathes into me, and I live..

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them. But there was no breath in them. Then he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.
Then he said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say 'Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.' Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declaresthe LORD."
Ezekiel 37:1-14
for the first time in days, i'm actually starting to believe He's slowly bringing me out of the darkness and holding me up to the Light of His face. i'm starting to notice the veil being torn from my eyes and seeing my passion for Him come forth... in new ways than before. as i sit here in the midst of the confusion and dry dust that have surrounded me for so long, i see a small speck of hope in the distance. i could hardly remember what He looked and felt like until today, so for now, this speck is good enough for me.
..not that Hope hasn't been there all along, but my vision has been too cloudy to see Him. this earth below me and dust about me have made me into who they wanted me to be instead of who i was created to be... sanctified, holy, righteous, His pure bride.. laying down this life He's given me as a gift at His feet. my dust--the sin i was born into and the filth that i acquire along the way--is now His. He gave His life to breathe life into these dry bones. reminds me of these lyrics to a song by Tim Reimherr...
I am tired. I am tired of living this mundane life, not knowing what road to take next. I am tired of my life not MEANING anything to me. I feel pulled to go deeper, do more, dream bigger, but don’t know which direction to follow. I am exhausted and weary from longing for MORE yet not accomplishing anything. I don’t know whether it’s me not opening my eyes and seeing or whether it’s a waiting period that God is asking me to endure. What if He is placing open doors along my path and I’m just turning my face away from them? Is it that? or could it possibly be that I must journey a little further before the doors are open?
There is an ache that seems to grow inside me that is screaming for me to follow a more narrow path. I feel like I am on a road being trampled by the crowds and yet I can’t seem to find the road less traveled. Am I just afraid of failure? Or is God calling me to be still? I know it’s my fault that I am so lost. I know I need to make more of an effort in my marriage to Him but can’t seem to find the energy. This scares me. I cannot allow myself to become who I was. I know that way doesn’t work. Yet, I can’t seem to find the instructions on how to turn around.
Grace. Mercy. Love… I need You.
my response: