Thursday, August 4, 2011

i was once a pre-med student...

three stupid things i've done in the past week:

1. stole a "Just Busted" paper from the Texaco. it was only a buck, but i could have sworn those things were free. they should be, anyway. i mean... for our own protection and all! they were just laying there on the counter up for grabs, and after paying for my drinks, i grabbed one. i did realize a few minutes later (with the help of Seth and the big $1 circled on the front of the paper) that they were not free to the public. (and if you're curious, i did go back and pay her the dollar. she just laughed.)

2. showed up to work with my shirt on backwards. i knew it felt kind of funny, but it wasn't until i looked down and saw the tag below my chin that it hit me. good thing i realized it early on so many people didn't notice.

3. i was planning on typing the third stupid thing out too, but then i realized it probably wouldn't even make sense or be half as funny as it was to me at the time, so i'll just leave it at this... despite popular belief, i'm really not a dumb blonde most of the time. it just comes in spurts.


1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad about stealing the paper. I stole a shipping box from the Post Office one time. ha! I thought it was one of the free priority mail ones. I took it home and was putting it together and noticed there was a price on it. ha!! I was slightly (more like majorly) nervous taking it back to the government office better known as the post office to confess my crime. hehe. But I paid up. My lady didn't laugh. HA!
