this is really more for my sake than anyone who may read this. i'm really bad at writing anything down by hand, so i try to blog to remind myself what's been going on. and today, i want to remind myself (and others) that the Lord never forgets us. we may not always see or feel Him working in our lives, but He's always there.
Sunday after church and pizza, i headed towards Southside planning on going home for a little while before it was time to pick Lilly up. when i got to my street, i just kept going. most days, i spend time with God in my car, and it felt like a good day to just drive and listen. i drove for a good while before turning around, and as i was getting ready to turn around, i noticed a barn on my left with a big "CR" on the side of it. apparently it's the owner's brand, because after noticing the big one, i noticed a few other small CR's in different places. i, of course, thought of Celebrate Recovery because it's such a huge part of my life now... and then i didn't think anything else about it.
later on Sunday afternoon, Lilly and I went home from the park to clean up a little and change clothes, and as we were getting ready to walk out of the door, she intentionally breathed on me. i know that sounds crazy, but the moment she did, i remembered the dream i had a few nights before of her doing the same thing. i'm pretty sure she even said the same thing in real life as she did in my dream.
i just like moments like that... little moments that show me i'm in the right place even though i don't always believe it and half the time i screw things up. His mercies are never ending. and i can't speak for most people, but sometimes i just need a sign that i'm on the right road. Sunday i got two of them, and they wouldn't mean anything to anyone but me.
oh, and just in case you're wondering, i loved feeling like i had a little girl for a day. i feel more experienced with boys, since i've spent so much time with my cousins, but girls are so much fun. :)
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