four questions and three journal pages down, this moral inventory is much tougher than i thought it'd be. as i was reading over the questions beforehand, i thought "do i REALLY have to remember all of this?" it's interesting that we can push anything we choose to the back of our minds for so long that we can forget it ever existed. as i wrote, i remembered more and more... of the good and the bad. i figured i'd go ahead and get as much down on paper as possible this first time around so there will be that much less to worry about in the future. i'm so glad when we give it all to the Lord, He takes it and makes us new in the process. as Nick said last night... we don't have the ability to fix anything, but He can. He can mend and restore. i am so thankful! and the most exciting part? after we've dealt with our pasts and found freedom in Him, we're able to tell our stories about all He's done so others can have life too!
"And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony..."
Revelation 12:11
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