i've been riled up ever since my feet hit the floor at 8:45 this morning. i had to pay $56 for a visit to the doctor that lasted all of 3 minutes to get a prescription that's going to be around $275 to fill...every month. my two insurance cards do me no good, none of the pharmacies have payment plans, and everyone i've talked to today has been rude. and i realize this might be a bit of a buzzkill, but i should be allowed to vent every once in awhile, right?
so later today... i was stopped at a red light. i was at the very front of the line. kids were just getting out of school, so traffic was heavier than usual. the light turned green, i pressed the gas, and.... nothing. my car was dead in the middle of an intersection. i tried pushing the 'emergency light' button but was so frazzled that i'm pretty sure i was pushing the rear window button instead. i roll my windows down, look out awkwardly to my right and to my left, and just hope someone nice comes and lends a hand. i don't know how long i sat there, but it seemed like forever. after throwing my hand out the window signaling the line of cars behind me to go around [it HAD to have been two miles long], people finally get the picture.
[enter Jacob]. i still don't know him, and i didn't even get his last name. i wish i would have paid him or something. he whips in front of me, hooks me and my car to his truck with a chain, and hauls me to the nearest parking lot. he definitely held true to his "cowboy up" sticker on his back window.
if this had happened any other day, it would have seemed perfectly normal. but today... today was one of those days where i could've thought, "if something else really weird happens, this day might just go down in history as the worst day of my life." and something else really weird happened. of course it did.
but then i looked up and saw the full moon tonight, and it turned out not to be the worst day of my life after all. and it's good to know of another gentleman in the world. :)
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