Saturday, April 4, 2009

rise and shine like starz.

i rose early today. i've decided a glass of wine before bed makes me feel well-rested. while i've always wished i was a morning person, i'm convinced i never will be. so, the more rested i feel the better. i think the previous sentence contains the most applicable-to-everyone statement i've ever said.

as of the moment, i'm at home and considering a nap. thrift stores can make you tired in a hurry. i made my rounds this morning and came home with.. [hold your breath]... one vase and two cork bottles. the bottles, which now have wildflowers stuck in them, look cute on my kitchen table. i'm also a little worried about whit. she was supposed to come to birmingham today to hear one of her favorite bands play, and i haven't heard from her. if i wasn't used to receiving updates from her via twitter throughout the day, i wouldn't think a thing about it. i have two hypotheses: (1) tim flew to alabama without her knowing, stole her and her phone for the weekend, and is putting a black diamond on her finger.. OR.. (2) she ran over her phone again. [whit, i hope you're alive and well!]

if i get brave enough to bust a tune at Starz karaoke tonight, i'll be sure to update.

update: whit is A OK, and neither of my hypotheses were correct [which seems to be the case most of the time]. we searched for a song to karaoke to but unfortunately couldn't find one that seemed to fit. we were, however, entertained by the others who sang their hearts out. oh, and the velcro pygmies have some major talent on those instruments.

She lifts her skirt up to her knees
Walks through the garden rows
With her bare feet laughing
I never learned to count my blessings
Ray Lamontagne

1 comment:

  1. Haha this is one thing we both have in common, I am no morning person either! I have been trying to go to bed by midnight though . . .it does making getting up a TAD bit easier LOL. There's so much junk in thrift stores it gives me a headache but it is fun looking at it all. .I bet the bottles are cool! Haha I hope Whitney is ok too, gah I wanna go to karaoke! You have to take me when I'm home :P And yes I want updates!
