I can see both sides in this whole debate. I usually try not to comment when it comes to politics, but for some reason I'm just really feeling the need to speak out.
I believe in showing the love of Jesus to everyone and I also believe in common sense. There are people here that need just as much help and protection as the refugees do. I never want to be more concerned with 'me and my own' than my mission as a Christian... to show people Jesus. If our mindset is always on ourselves and protecting ourselves as a nation, I feel like it's pointing inward when our focus needs to be outward... on people near AND far.
I am so proud to be an American, and I love this country and my people. But I love Jesus more. And while I have no idea what the answer should be, I know the One who does. I also know His ways are many times less comfortable than the ways we would have chosen.
Our lives are not our own, and our mission is clear: to take the message to the world. We were bought with a great price, and because of His sacrifice, we sacrifice too... knowing that in the end, it will be worth it.
We're not fighting against each other. We are the light fighting against the darkness, and the Light always wins. Whether it's our next door neighbor (who is so important!) or a Syrian refugee (who is just as important!), let's rescue and love people where they are in the place God's placed us. As one person I can't do everything, but I CAN do something.
Let's be strong and courageous! Perfect love casts out all fear.