Saturday, January 30, 2010

Seven Bridges Road

i went to visit my family in Montgomery yesterday, and they took me down Seven Bridges Road. it's only appropriate that i post the lyrics...

there are stars in the southern sky
southward as you go
there is moonlight and moss in the trees
down the seven bridges road

now i have loved you like a baby
like some lonesome child
and i have loved you in a tame way
and i have loved you wild

sometimes there's a part of me
has to turn from here and go
running like a child from these warm stars
down the seven bridges road

there are stars in the southern sky
and if ever you decide you should go
there is a taste of time sweetened honey
down the seven bridges road

The Eagles = amazing.

now my wandering soul is home again for a couple days before hitting the road. i don't want the road to be my home forever, but for now, i think it fits.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The End.

as i'm driving home tonight, the Lord gives me the interpretation to a dream i've had on several occasions. i wasn't praying or even thinking about the dream or Him, but in the span of about three minutes, He encourages me.

i haven't had the dream in a long time but remember having it at least three times during my life thus far. it goes something like this...

i've been kidnapped. i'm on the left side of the back seat of a black car, and there's either one or two men up front. they are yelling horrible things at me. we're going down this lonely road, and there's not many other cars or people--if any--around. the road is paved, but we're definitely not on a main highway. trees surround us, and the sun isn't shining through them. i'm covered in darkness. the further we travel, the more fearful i become. i'm alone and scared and in a strange place. i start to panic, my heart is racing, and i feel like i'm using all the strength i have left trying to get out of the car. i just want to escape and be free. i try opening the door, of course, but the door is locked. then i try beating on the window to no avail. i'm really losing my cool now. i've tried everything and almost lost every ounce of hope i have when, suddenly, the door opens and i fall out of the car onto the pavement. i feel relieved, but i'm still so tired from fighting. i don't even have the energy to stand. i'm crawling down the road and finally come to the end. i don't even remember how long it takes me to get there, but i think it's a while. i look up from my knees, and i know i've finally reached my destination. there are people everywhere. the sun is shining so bright. there are rows of tables with kids eating and laughing. the carousel is in the background going around and around. i'm at a carnival and probably thinking about cotton candy. everyone is happy, including me. i'm not afraid anymore.

then i wake up.

when i first had this dream as a little girl, i had no idea what was coming. i didn't know life would be this tiresome. i think i have a better perspective of life now, but even still, tomorrow will surprise me.

some days, like today, i'm reminded that this life is a vapor; but most days seem like they'll never end. i struggle. i try and tear the walls of my heart down myself instead of letting Him do the work for me. i do my best to open doors and bust out windows to escape before it's time. i crawl much more than i stand. the road stretches out before me, and no matter how i try, i can't even hold my head up long enough to see the end.

but the end is there, and it's so good. the beginning and in-between may be blurry and dark, and i may feel like the light is never going to break through the trees. but it will. it has to. so, i'll just give it time. i'll breathe in and out, panting at times, knowing the end is worth all of this.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

we'll be torches together.

why burn poor and lonely?
under a bowl or under a lampshade
or on the shelf beside the bed
where at night you lay turning like a door on its hinges
first on your left side, then on your right side
then your left side again

why burn poor and lonely?
tell all the stones we're gonna make a building
we'll be cut into shape and set into place
or if you'd rather be a window, i'll gladly be the frame
reflecting any kind of words, we'll let in all the blame
and ruin our reputation all the same

so never mind our plan making, we'll start living...
anyway, aren't you unbearably sad?
then why burn so poor and lonely?

we'll be like torches, we'll be like torches
we'll be like torches, we'll be torches together

why pluck one string, what good is just one note?
oh, one string sounds fine i guess, but we were once "One Note"
we were lonely wheat, quietly ground into grain
what light and momentary pain

so why this safe distance, this curious look?
why tear out single pages when you can throw away the book?
why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar?
strum the guitar, strum the guitar

strum the guitar with no beginning, with no end
take down the guitar and strum the guitar
strum the guitar if you're afraid and i'm afraid, everyone's afraid
and everyone knows it but we don't have to be afraid anymore

Saturday, January 16, 2010

you'll find me in Stars Hollow.

Lorelai: "I just don't want to do or say anything else that's going to be completely moronic. "
Rory: "I'm afraid once your heart is involved, it all comes out in moron."

Friday, January 15, 2010

and then, His glory is revealed..

i was reading some old posts i'd written and came upon this. i get so caught up in not being able to see what's in front of me, i forget who's beside me. this was just a reminder...

my eyes are barely open.. and my surroundings blurry.
as the minutes pass by, the blurriness spreads across my entire view of the world, and i can hardly see.
apprehension sets in, and i'm scared to keep going.
i keep driving. i keep moving.
as i drive, i notice the headlights on the cars in front of me..coming toward me.. but instead of there being just two or four.. there are hundreds.
lights are coming from every direction, and i can't help but stare.
the lights coming from the cars shine across the street and join with the lights coming from the lampposts, and because of the rain, they create some of the most magnificent colors i've ever seen.
the light is multiplied and radiating all around me.. all because of the blurriness.
so.. blurriness isn't always bad.
the blurriness just makes the Light even more glorious.
(c) 2007

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rammer Jammer

[disclaimer]: this video does contain the word "hell." more than once. i would normally try and bleep it out, but to be honest, i can't remember what i was doing in all the excitement after the game (besides bonking a random guy's head in front of me and high-fiving and hugging everyone i came in contact with). besides, i consider beating the hell out of someone a good thing. and the female voice you hear over the rest? yours truly.


remember the Rose Bowl...

...we'll win then!

...and i have to say that i'm pretty upset about being back in 15 degree weather.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Radical Experiment

for those of you who are looking for something new to do in 2010, here's an idea...

and it starts tomorrow, so you're not even behind yet...

Friday, January 1, 2010

it's all just a process...

for the past several years i haven't made new year's resolutions, seeing how i hardly ever follow through with anything for too long; so, i'll just say the following is a list i'd LIKE to accomplish/witness during 2010. it's better this way. if i put too much pressure on myself, it all goes downhill, and i do realize this is probably a character flaw. see there... the pressure is already building...
1. play the piano and guitar a little more than last year
2. journal (dreams, sermons, experiences, etc.)
3. read the Bible in its entirety (the plan i'll be using is found on
4. tithe (i have to confess i haven't been doing this on a regular basis, and i guess i've used the whole "church-hopping" issue as an excuse. do i give to the church where i'm being fed or give to the one i'm still a member of? if any of you have any wisdom, feel free to comment. either way, the money is going to do the Lord's work, so where is probably irrelevant.)
5. be reminded daily of His perspective, not my own

whether i stay in the wilderness or find myself on a mountaintop, He is still the same. He is holy. there is a purpose for everything under the sun, and i want to continue to be mindful of this truth. He hasn't wiped me out yet, so there's something left for me to do. i want to carry out His purpose for me and be faithful to the end.

last night i was driving home from work and looking at the sky (which wasn't too smart considering i was driving), and i was a little overwhelmed. there were streaks in the clouds that looked like finger marks and the moon was peaking out from behind them. it reminded me of getting in the car on cold mornings when i was younger and writing my name on the windows. my name would be there until we went through a car wash or the rain washed it away.

my name is now written on His heart, and it can never be erased. thank you, Jesus.

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart.
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.

Behold Him there the risen Lamb,
My perfect spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM,
King of glory and of grace,
One in Himself I cannot die.
My soul is purchased by His blood,
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ my Savior and my God!
-Vicki Cooke, Charitie Bancroft

i've wandered down the wrong way so many times, but He never lets me get too far gone. He's always correcting me and bringing me back. and He shows me so much mercy.

this year is going to be a good one.

Lord, teach me.

p.s. this is really random, but if you're a regular reader of my blog and disagree with something i write... please, please, please comment. correct me. teach me. this is all just a process, and we're in this thing together.